Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Speak no errs

Soon after I arrived here in Wigan, I joined a local speakers' club, the Standish with Wigan Speakers Club, a part of the Association of Speakers Clubs. Back in New York, I was a member of a local Toastmasters International club. Both organizations provide a place for colleagues to meet, in a comfortable and nurturing setting, to practice and improve their public speaking skills.

Moving to a brand new place, I thought joining would be a good way to meet new people and be in a somewhat familiar environment. I'm definitely glad I did; the members are great and it's always an enjoyable evening of fun and learning. Well last week I made my first speech (first with this club anyway) and the subject was... me and my blog! So, in addition to providing a link to my peeps back in the U.S., my blog is also a source for speech-making material. Not exactly awe-inspiring stuff, but it'll do.


lisa lipani said...

Good for you Rob!! I've thought about toastmasters over the years but never could get up the nerve. I'm exactly the type of person they would say SHOULD go! I'm glad that you are meeting people and having fun. Don't worry...even if you are not awe-inspiring,if the audience is anything like me, they will simply enjoy listening to your foreign accent!

Cant help speaking said...

We are glad you did decide to join Standish Speakers club. You have brought a different dimension to the club and we are proud of you. You have also brought me into the world of blogging - keep it up! oh yes - and we love your 'foreign accent'

Robinivy said...

Thanks so much 'cant help speaking'!! Lisa, see how great and supportive the folks at ASC/Toastmasters are? Even if you're commitment-phobic, as I am, speaking clubs are addictive and a fantastic experience!