Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Year's Revolution

It may sound daft, but here is my thinking... During our visit together, my friend Amy and I talked about a lot of things, one of them being the fact that, in just over a year, we will reach a major milestone birthday. In preparation for this big event, we want to make some big, bold moves. An overhaul of body and mind. In my case, having moved to a new country for a new life, being much loved and supported, and unconstrained by being otherwise unemployed, I am in a position to try and find work that will provide both remuneration and fulfillment. Here are my ideas laid bare for you, and for me, to see. In a dream I would like to be the Suze Orman of the UK, helping people break from the shackles of debt by spending less and saving more. And my other dream is to open a spa, with beautiful interior spaces and massage therapists who will provide some much needed tactile human contact. Let's see where these dreams lead...


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog with interest over the last few months, having been directed here by google when searching for 'Wigan' and was really interested to note your latest comment about people saving more and spending less. I am a member of a credit union, which you may have already found out, is a much smaller thing over here than in the states, with only approx 2% of the population of the UK availing of the services. If you want to encourage more people to save, maybe you would like to get more involved with your local credit union.

lisa lipani said...

Sounds like two great ideas...just make sure that as a financial adviser you encourage people to save, yes, enough to spend on spa treatments! They are soo worth it.

Robinivy said...

Great point Lisa (my trusty commentator). And spa treatments, which promote good mental and physical health, are not an excessive luxury!

T. White said...

Robin - Was so great to see you and crew in York. I love both of your ideas and you should just follow them and see where the road goes! I know I could benefit from both of your proposed services...

Anonymous said...

Hi There

Just wanted to say how impressed I am with your blog. I, too, am a resident of Wigan, and have been fascinated to read all about your move to, and movements around the UK.

It is really interesting getting a different perspective on things that you take for granted.

Great work, and please do keep it up!


Robinivy said...

Thanks Adam. It's fantastic to get such good feedback... especially from outside my circle of family and friends. I'm glad you are enjoying my musings.

Anonymous said...

Exciting ideas for the new year. Learning to handle money well is often not stressed in our society. All we are surrounded with is Buy..Buy. Buy.
Before you know it people are in debt.
What are your plans in this can you educate people
Also, loved your ideas re: Spa treatments for health. G.