Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finding the Familiar

While I no longer get my bagels from Zabar's (actually, I never really got them there, but Zabar's is an iconic New York reference, so you get what I mean), and you can't find Nova Scotia Lox anywhere, I have found my home here and now I get my bagels from the bakery at Tesco (they're surprisingly good - soft and chewy) and the Scottish smoked salmon is about as good as any Nova I've had. So let's make a toast together with an everything bagel, lox and a schmear to much love, happiness and peace in the world... all the world over. Happy New Year.


T. White said...

Happy New Year Robin! Much happiness and great fun in 2008. Would love to catch up soon - it's been a whirlwind lately and just got back from the US. Love, Terri

Anonymous said...

Have not been blog checking for a while and I just loved the Bagel & Lox entry. It is so interesting to hear about the differences you are finding in the UK.... as well and the adjustment you are making...good job! Luv,M

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Robin and A!!!

I miss you a lot and had a few minutes to read your know my saying: OMG! What beautiful pictures and writing...I think you've found your niche!

Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

All hail Tescos bakery and their easily-affordable prices!
