My friend MC warned me about the weather in the UK. Downright depressing, she said or something to that effect. Funny thing is (and I don't mean funny ha ha) she was talking about the weather in London, where she lived for 10 years. The weather in the North of England, well that's a different story. People talk about the effect of the Pennine mountains and prevailing winds, but really all I know is that it's been cold and rainy here for the last two weeks and in the South East, relatively warm and sunny. However, there are some people who have taken this experience and made it work for them. Pierre Adolphe Valette was a French painter who settled here in Manchester at the turn of the last century and, inspired by the ambient atmosphere, created some of his most well known paintings. Surely, I can turn my grousing about the weather into something inspirational?
Think of all those wet and windy weekends when you are warmed by wonderful welcoming Wiganers!!
Yes, the Sun is so overrated, just like wealth and fame. No one with a tan ever accomplished much. Ever hear of Congressman John Boehner - he's got the biggest tan in Ohio.
Supposed to be sunny in Wigan all weekend long!
Looks like I need to eat my hat! Ice cream in the park today!
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